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Georges Dionne awarded $3.6 million in new research funding
Professor Georges Dionne is to receive more than $3.6 million to pursue his risk management research, focused mainly on high-frequency...

Health Care Workers’ Risk Perceptions and Willingness to Report for Work during an Influenza Pandemi
The ability and willingness of health care workers to report for work during a pandemic are essential to pandemic response. The main...

Modelling and Estimating Individual and Firm Effects with Count Panel Data by Jean-François Angers,
We propose a new parametric model for the modelling and estimation of event distributions for individuals in different firms. The...

Published in Risks : Optimal Form of Retention for Securitized Loans under Moral Hazard by Georges D
The authors address the moral hazard problem of securitization using a principal-agent model where the investor is the principal and the...

Dynamic Corporate Risk Management: Motivations and Real Implications an article by Georges Dionne, M
Authors investigate the dynamics of corporate hedging programs used by US oil producers and examine the effects of hedging maturity...

On SCOR Live Blog of July 27th 2017 you can read: Georges Dionne, member of the Scientific Board of
The John S. Bickley Founder’s Award, instituted in 1972 and named in honor of the founder of the International Insurance Society, Dr....

Published in French at Economica: Gestion des risques: Théories et Applications par Georges Dionne
Content will be published in English soon. Extrait de la Préface de Denis Kessler, PDG du Groupe SCOR « Professeurs, chercheurs,...

Georges Dionne, Canada Research Chair in Risk Management Chairholder, receives the 2017 John S. Bick
The prestigious Founder’s Award was instituted in 1972 and is named in honor of the founder of the International Insurance Society (IIS),...

Published in Energy Economics - The use of nonlinear h
by Mohamed Mnasri, Georges Dionne, Jean-Pierre Gueyie Highlights We study the motivations and real implications of nonlinear hedging...

Effects of Insurance Incentives on Road Safety: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China
by Georges Dionne (corresponding author) and Ying Liu Highlights â–ª We study the effects of insurance incentives on road safety in China â–ª...
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